The International Committee for the Banner of Peace

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Alicia Rodríguez answers our questions



Alicia Rodríguez



Editor: Dear Alicia, where do you live?

Alicia: I was born in Spain, but I live a part of my life in Mexico.

Editor: Who are the members of the Board of the Committee? Who are the honorary members?

Alicia: All of us, the coworkers are volunteers. Nobody receives a salary. Our honorary members are His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Svetoslav Roerich, Nobel Prize of Peace winner Dr. Oscar Arias Dr. Emma Godoy.

Editor: When and how did you met the Banner of Peace and Roerich’s ideas?

Alicia: In 1984 in Mexico City. The way of our contact was very unusual, because I had never read about Roerich. Our contact was spiritually. Soul to soul. I comment about that contact in my book ”Find Your Mission” (”Encuentra tu Mision”, Alom Publishing House). This book has become a Best Seller. Since then, I have presented more than 600 Banners of Peace all over the world as World President of the International Committee of the Banner of Peace, a non governmental organization of the United Nations. They honored us for our 18 years of world peace activity. Our Committee was also honored by my nomination to the Nobel Prize of Peace in 1997. We have 1400 Banners of Peace flying in Mexico and 245,000 children prospering with the message of Nicholas Roerich and the Banner of Peace.



Cover of the book Find Your Mission Cover of the book Transform Yourself Into The Banner of Peace



Editor: What did you write about in your book ”Find Your Mission”?

Alicia: I wrote of my personal mystical experiences with the Banner in different countries.

Editor: Which of Roerich’s books are translated into Spanish language?

Alicia: Heart of Asia (Kier Publishing House) and some of the Agni Yoga Books (Agni Yoga Society of Puerto Rico).

Editor: Can you say precisely which of the Agni Yoga books were translated into Spanish?

Alicia: Really I don’t remember — Daniel Entin would know.

Editor: What are the basic techniques explained in your book ”Transform Yourself Into The Banner of Peace”? (”Transformate en Bandera de la Paz”, Panorama Publishing House).

Alicia: The techniques are based on the scientific teachings of Doctor Rutilio Romero. It’s based on the observation of our body. Pain can help us to detect the thought that is causing the lack of peace. It depends on if it is on the left or on the right hand, at the top or at the bottom, or in the plexus. We teach children to detect the thought that is causing their own war.


Dalai Lama and A.Rodriquez, 1990



Editor: When you met the Dalai Lama recently, what did he say about the Banner of Pease? And what did he think about the fact that the Banner of Pease is distributed worldwide?

Alicia: He received the Banner of Peace from me, in Dharamsala, India, in the Himalayas in 1990. It was a special day for them and of course for me, because that memorable day was the Festival of the Prayer. All his people were dressed in their national dresses. The trumpets of prayer were emitting special mystical sounds. The atmosphere was full of spirituality. His Holiness knows many profound things about the sacred symbol of the Banner of Peace. He knows that the person who would bring the Banner all over the World would be a woman, according with the desire and message of Nicholas Roerich. He knows about the mission. He received me with respect and love as World President of the International Committee founded by Nicholas Roerich and continuing by us. His attitude was so incredible. I don’t have spiritual authorization of my guides, to comment on it — except in my book. When I saw him last week in Mexico City, he remembered that moment. He knows that the Banner of Peace has been distributed all over the World by our Committee.

Editor: Does His Holiness Dalai Lama know that the Banner of Pease was registered in Moscow as a trademark?

Alicia: I didn’t ask him.

Editor: What do you personally think about the registration of the Banner of Pease as a trademark and the use of such patent as means of exercising over the Roerich organizations in Russia or Belarus?

Alicia: The problem is not to register. The Roerich Museum in New York has registered it too. The problem is how to use the registration. I think is a consciousness problem.

Editor: Tell us a bit about your life please?

Alicia: My activity has two aspects, one ”exoteric” for outside, to help consciousness of the Mundane World to come in the supermundane or spiritual worlds. In this aspect our International Committee connects formally with Governments, Presidents, cultural Institutions, the United Nations etc. The other aspect is completely spiritual, and I don’t speak about it in front of the TV cameras or when they interview me as an actress, which is my profession. In Russia, one of the TV stories in which I acted, caused a boom. It was very famous: ”The Rich Also Cry”.

Editor: Yes, this TV-serial was very popular in the 1990-s in Russia. What role did you play?

Alicia: I played the role of Dona Beatriz. The rich who cried. For this TV role I got a prize as the best actress in Mexican television.

Editor: What actions are planned by your Committee in the near future?

Alicia: The name of the new campaign is ”We built world peace together.” Next month, I will present 20 Banners of Peace to Cultural Institutions as I did with the Dalai Lama in India. All can see our future plans in our webpage

Editor: Alicia, ”Alive Ethics in Germany” thanks you for this interview, and wishes you and your International Committee great success in your activities as you disseminate Roerich’s ideas worldwide. Our website is always glad to help your Committee in our common matter — the matter of creating a Society of Common Welfare!

Editor: Thank you very much! Loving greetings! Alicia Rodríguez.




Treaty Roerich
Alianz Comunidad Estudiantil
70-th anniversary of the Banner of Peace in Saint Petersburg, Russia
Alicia Rodríguez Answers Our Questions
Educational Program for a Culture of Peace
Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Roerich Pact and the Banner of Peace in Russia
Dr. Alicia Rodriguez, the President of the Banner of Peace International Committee Visits Altai, Rusia
Remembering the Presentation of the Banner of Peace to the 14th Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to Guanajuato State, Mexico
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to Iberica de Luz, Spain
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to the Catholic Church in the Cathedral of Mexico City
Presentation of the Banner of Piece to the Siberian Roerich Society
The Banner of Peace in Magic Bernal Stone Summit-Queretaro
The Boat Zamná will take the Banner of Peace around the World
The Beautiful City of La Paz in Baja California Sur, Receives the International Banner of Peace
The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles
The Visit of Dr. Alicia Rodriguez to Ecuador
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to People and Governement of Querétaro, Mexico [pps, 6,5 Mb]

© Alicia Rodríguez, 2005—2009, site content © Gai Sever, 2005—2009, site development

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